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Software Solutions

Crossword Cybersecurity designs, prototypes, incubates and launches novel software solutions to help organisations around the word understand their cyber exposure, and that of their supply chain.


Our in-house engineering team, coupled with years of expertise in solving customer problems, have gathered unique insights into our customer's pain points, and we have developed a range of software solutions for these challenges our clients face in the modern era.

Threat Intelligence

You can’t defend against what you can’t see, and even knowing where to look when it comes to online threats can be a monumental challenge, so we have developed solutions which enable our clients to get clear visibility into dark web based threats easily and safely.


Trillion is our Threat Intelligence platform and your single pain of glass into tracking and monitoring data which could be harmful to your organisation.

Breach provides organisations with the power to get alerts and perform mitigating actions securely and safely against the vast quantities of breached user credentials currently in circulation.

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HarVista serves as your search engine for the underworld.  If you want to know if your company is being talked about, or key personnel are being targeted, HarVista gives you the power hunt out the information you need quickly and safely.

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Enhanced Authentication

We all understand the need for strong authentication, but sometimes implementing it can come at a cost. Adding friction to a user authentication process could be the difference between making a sale and losing a customer. MFA solves the issue of simple password spray attacks, but when you need to balance user experience with security and trust this can bring subtle additional considerations that are easily overlooked.


Crossword Cybersecurity have developed solutions which can increase authentication security processes, while being transparent to the user and capabilities which enable proof of wider credential holding, such as qualifications or licence records.


Arc is an API based service which securely enables you to check in real-time during the authentication process if a username and password pair has been leaked in a breach. Using industry trusted cryptographic techniques, Arc seamlessly enhances authentication confidence.

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IDs, educational qualifications and insurance certificates rely on credentials to establish aspects of their identity. However, most of these can be easily forged or misrepresented and difficult to verify.  Identiproof delivers a robust mechanism for verifying holder credentials.

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Supplier Assurance

Relying on a supplier for critical aspects of the operation of your business introduces new risk, and these risks need visibility and understanding.  Our Rizikon modules and Supply Chain Cyber service enable organisations to reach out to suppliers quickly and easily to capture the information required to quantify and mitigate supply chain cyber risks.


Rizikon is our modular supplier assurance platform which provides a centralised location for organisations to track and manage supplier compliance with your company policies.


Rizikon Assurance improves third-party assurance and risk management, through efficiency, automation and better visibility, and helps organisations take control of third-party risk with secure online Assessments, 360 degree risk scorecards, and compliance  dashboards 

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